Sunday 15 June 2014

about nothing and everything

I like sad songs and sand movies but I have to be in this ‘burrito of sadness’ mood. Today I am so I would like to write something about it…
For me it’s not a symptom of a depression or another illness but it’s a sign that I have to slow down, relax and spend some time just with myself. I don’t want to talk to people, laugh or explain why I’m not the life and soul of the party.
All sad and nostalgic song and movies are perfect for this time.

My favorite movie is The Bridges of Madison County. 


The story of impossible love...mature and responsible but still impossible. What I like in this movie is that the main characters are not so young and there is no happy ending (sorry for those who haven’t seen this movie before). After the first watching I’m greatly impressed.

Today I don’t have a possibility to watch it but I’ve spent a day with this song :

Have a nice day!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Stay cool

When is hot, you want cold weather, when is cold,you want hot weather or maybe when is hot you don’t complain about it and you are happy that cold, dark days passed away.

I don’t complain, I prefer this warm weather I feel better when the sky is blue and sun shine all day...

For people who don’t like heat I have for you some advices :

- don’t go out when you don’t have to - it’s better to stay out of the sun while it’s hottest or when you have to go out (we can’t stop working) don’t forget to take a hat it will be a good for your healthy and also for your hair - sun can change your hair color.

- wear sunglasses - you want to keep all ultraviolet light from getting into your eyes and protect the skin around eyes. It’s good to have sunglasses in sunny day because you will see clearly - it’s good for your comfort and health.

- dress simply - it’s better wearing white or any light coloured clothing. Cotton clothing can breath in warm weather so it will be the best choice !

- drink water - you have to stay hydrated. It’s good to remember that you have to drink even if you don’t feel thirsty. You can add more flavor to your water use lemon or fresh mint leaves.

Sex in the city

After my work I like to relax while watching a movie. Sometimes I can’t devote 2 hours to watch a movie. In this case I prefer to choose to watch serials. I don’t have a telly so I have to watch something online.
I found a good expression to express how many series there are on the Web :  every kind under the sun (do wyboru do koloru)...

I don’t know why but I prefer to watch something that I already know...maybe I don’t like to be disappointed.
That’s why I’ve just started again to watch ‘Sex in the city’.

One of my favorites series!

I really like all characters : Carrie Bradshaw, Samantha Jones, Charlotte York, Mirand Hobbes and of course Mr. Big.

The creator of ‘Sex and the city’ had a good idea to choose the actors with average faces
(not a classic beauty).

The strength of this serial is the fashion - the clothes, shoes, purses...and also the stories - brave, controversial...

What you have to know about ‘Sex and the city’ :
-there are 6 seasons,
-there are two movies based on the HBO TV series ,
-the serial is based on the book of the same name by Candance Bushnell, the show follows the lives of a group of four women who, throughout their different natures and ever-changing sex lives, remain inseparable and confide in each other,

the most delicious drink in the world is cosmopolitan,
-it's good to have a friends

Your life in your hands

I think that it’s good to understand that we create our reality and we have the power to change it. We can manipulate ourselves positively. 
Ok, it’s easier to act like nothing depends on you :

- you are in bad mood because of the weather,
- you don’t speak german or french because of you bad teacher in high school,
- you don’t go to the gym because you think that all people will look at you and probably they will be laughing

and there are more and more poor excuses why we do something or on the contrary we don’t do what we really want.

It’s hard to take full responsibility for our life.
But maybe it's the only possible solution...

Human life is so complicated
For hard days it good to remember that there are a lot of small things which makes your day more pleasant :

- tasty sandwich for breakfast, 
- aromatic coffee, 
- good body lotion that smells really good,
- heaving time for yourself,
- doing exercises (working out will make you happier - I read that  It only takes 20 minutes for the brain to produce endorphins),
- having time for family and friends,

There are a lot of things that we can do to make our life more pleasant! 

You have to live your life and do what you want to do.
Remember never give up!

Sunday 1 June 2014

I’m still in love with coffee

We are all addicted to something. Sometimes it can be very dangerous, for example when we talk about being addicted to alcohol or to drugs, many people lose their health or live because of smoking the cigarettes. We all know that smoking causes many kinds of cancer and it’s harmful to health but still there are many people who think differently. They are addicted : this small thing it’s stronger than them.

I think that there are many different types of addictions.
Sometimes we joke that we can’t live without candies or chocolates but it’s only our weakness.

I can’t say that I have many small addictions, one of them is coffee. Without doubt I feel like I can drink coffee all the time...but I like to control myself so when I plan my day I always make a place for three coffees. It’s like small break during a day.

In the office where I’m working there is a new coffee maker, it’s a really great thing. I decided to change my morning routine and I resign from drinking first morning coffee at home and now everyday I’m in a hurry to get to my job. Isn't it a good motivation?  ;)

When I drink a really good coffee I like to drink it without a milk or sugar. Even when I have to drink average coffee I hate to put a sugar in it. But what it’s most important when we talking about drinking a coffee ? Maybe it’s a good opportunity to slow down and when we have time it’s a really good occasion to propose someone to drink it with us...

Tuesday 29 April 2014

“Don't you go to the movies?" "Mostly just to eat popcorn in the dark.” ― Charles Bukowski

Two weeks ago I was in the cinema. For me it was really an exceptional day because I don’t have many opportunities  to go out.
When I have more free time I prefer to meet with friends and spend some time outside in the park or in the pub ;)
So I was in the cinema. I like this place. When the lights turn off we start to watch a story and we forgot whole world - but only when we don’t forget to shut down our phone :)
It was a small cinema so I didn’t have any problems with people who like to eat popcorn while watching a movie…I could focus myself on the action.

I can say that usually I watch a trailer before I decide to go and watch whole movie but this time I didn’t do this I can say that I didn’t know anything about this movie…I was sure that there is something like “Grand Hotel” in the title and that’s all.

After showing I can say that I'm fascinated with this movie and It’s well worth watching!

The Grand Budapest Hotel it’s a story of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend.

I got a pleasure from watching this movie. It wasn’t boring, there was a action but without exaggeration. Excellent production and actors.

And one more thing...the filming location of this movie was Görlitz. It’s a town in Germany but it’s also iPolish sister city of Zgorzelec. And it’s my home town so for me it’s was really interesting to watch the places which I know very well.

You can learn more here:

Sunday 9 March 2014

What a wonderful day.

Always when spring starts I feel full of energy and more optimistic, maybe it’s strange but I feel like all my problems seems to disappear.

I like to observe the changes in the nature, it’s like whole world wakes up after this long winter nap.
With impatience I’m waiting for this moment when I’ll go somewhere without my jacket, cap and a warm scarf…

In the meantime I appreciate this beautiful day. Today I’m going to go for a long, long walk with a dog which is not mine and be happy because of the Sun and nice spring smell in the air.